Open Access Week

Open Access Week (OAW) is an international promotional event that aims to raise the profile of the idea of open access across the academic community. Charles University has been joining OAW since 2015.

Open Access Week 2023

The Open Science Working Group cordially invites you to the Open Science Week 2023, a week packed with topics related to Open Science, Research Data Management, Open Access, Citizen Science and the legal aspects of Open Science.

What makes this event special is that for the first time institutions from all over the country have joined forces to offer you the best. Throughout the week we will meet in several cities, including Prague, Ostrava, Brno and Olomouc. You can look forward to not only Czech but also international speakers, practical demonstrations, sharing of experiences and lively discussions. Come or join us online and discover the world of open science with us and experience an unforgettable week full of inspiration!

You can find more information about the program and registration form on the website Association of Libraries of Czech Universities.

16 October – Open Science, How To Get Started?

The introductory day will be full of inspiration and discussions about Open Science and the Czech research environment. You can look forward to information about national initiatives that address various aspects of open science, including open data.

And that's not all! The afternoon will be full of practical information and you can ask the representatives of the financial providers themselves.

Note: All the talks will be in Czech.

Venue: National Library of Technology, Technická 2710/6, entrance No. 3, 2nd floor, Education Centre

17 October – Research Data Management

On the second day of Open Science Week, an educational and enriching meeting of the community of data stewards in the Czech Republic awaits us. You can look forward to sharing experiences with providing open science support from Czech and foreign universities, specifically the University of Vienna. We will also listen to the experiences of scientists with the management of research data, focusing on the specifics of some fields.

Note: All the talks will be in Czech.

Venue: VŠB–Technical University Ostrava, Studentská 6231/1B, 2nd floor

18 October – Open Science and The Law: How Not To Get Lost in The Jungle?

On Wednesday October 18 you can look forward to lectures on how to combine Open Science and the commercialization of scientific results, how to license software and datasets. In the afternoon, we will open the topic of sensitive data (this talk will be in English) and the reuse of open research data and publications.

Note: All the talks will be in Czech, only the talk Secure Handling of Sensitive Data From a Scientist’s Perspective will be in English

Venue: Brno University of Technology, Rectorate, Antonínská 548/1, 2nd floor, Scientific Council Meeting Room

19 October – Open Access: Even in a Good Journal One Can Publish for Free

When the words open access come to mind, many authors think of high prices for publishing fees. But that's not what open access is about and it doesn't have to be!

Come hear the stories of strong academic communities that have decided to publish their own open access journals that do not charge authors publication fees. You can also look forward to the presentation of the university publishing house of Masaryk University, which is a representative of the so-called open access diamond path.

Venue: online, ZOOM platform

20 October– Echoes of Open Science and Citizen Science in the Research community

The last day of the Open Science Week in Olomouc will give the floor to the scientists themselves, as they stand at the heart of Open Science. And not only that. The second block will be all about the so-called Citizen Science, which is undoubtedly related to Open Science.

In the first part of the program, we will first focus on open science communities – a foreign concept that is based on the idea of spreading experience, communication and mutual inspiration. We will present the story of these communities from their creation to current events, including the challenges these communities face - from the international network of these communities to the Olomouc community, which recently joined this network. Subsequently, the scientists themselves will share their experiences gathered on the path towards open science.

In the second part of the program, we will look at science slightly differently - we will step into the world of Citizen Science. What does Citizen Science mean, what is its potential for contemporary science, and why and how to involve the public in science and Research? All this will be heard at the end of the Open Science Week at the Palacký University in Olomouc.

Venue: Palacký University in Olomouc, Rectorate, Křížkovského 511/8, Large Meeting Room

Last change: October 5, 2023 11:27 
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