Training materials


Open access

Open access to scientific information: Horizon 2020

A factsheet for employees of Charles University how to fulfill the open access obligation to scientific information within Horizon 2020, the European Commission program.

Predatory journals and open access: predators in the world of scientific publishing

A factsheet for employees of Charles University how to assess the credibility of scientific journals and avoid publishing in so-called predatory journals.

Research data

Data Management Expert Guide

A guide to research data management designed for social science researchers.

Checklist: How FAIR are your data?

This checklist will help you assess how FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) your data are.

OpenAIRE guides

The OpenAIRE website features a series of guides which will help you navigate the open research data field

Open access to research data: Horizon 2020: Open Research Data Pilot

A factsheet for employees of Charles University on how to fulfil the open access obligation to research data within Horizon 2020, the European Commission program.


Open Access in a Nutshell (Bc. Šárka Grofová, M.A.)

Last change: January 17, 2023 09:39 
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