Online courses

The Open Science Support Centre has prepared an e-learning courses in English on research data management and open access

All students and employees at Charles University can access the courses in Moodle using their CAS login data. If you are having difficulties accessing the course, please contact the user support at

If you are interested in the courses but you are not affiliated to Charles University, you can still access the course as a guest with a partially limited functionality (e.g., you will not be able to take the quizzes). 

Research Data Management

The Research Data Management course introduces basic concepts of research data management as well as some specific tools that can help you manage your data effectively.

Among other things, you will learn: 

  • What are research data 

  • What is research data management and what are its benefits 

  • What is a data management plan and how to create one 

  • Useful tips for collecting and processing research data 

  • How to share your research data

Open Access at CU – How to publish Open Access?

By completing this course, you will gain insight into the issue of open publishing and basic information about the possibilities that the publishing model of open access offers you. 

At the end of this course, you will know how to answer the following questions:

  • What is open access? 

  • What does it mean to "publish open access"? 

  • What are the benefits of open access publishing?

  • What is the difference between the green and the gold route to open access?

  • What specific steps does an author need to take to publish in open access?

  • What are the typical features of so-called predatory journals and publishers and how to avoid them?

  • What does Charles University offer me as an author in the field of open publishing?

Other open science courses

In this section, you can find a list of other interesting online courses that deal with various topics of open science.


The FOSTER Portal offers a wide range of online courses focusing on Open Science. Apart from the general introduction to Open Science, there are courses about Open Access publishing, managing and sharing research data, open licensing, sharing preprints and many more.

MANTRA: Research data management training

MANTRA is a free online course for those who manage digital data as part of their research project.

Open Data Essentials

Open Data Institute's e-Learning programme designed to enable you to discover what open data is and how it is changing the lives of everyone on our planet.

Open Science MOOC

Open online course created by Sorbonne University focuses on wide range of open science topics. It includes also interviews with researchers, PhD students and librarians.

DocEnhance Data Stewardship

The online Data Stewardship course provides an introduction to Research Data management. It has been created within the framework of the international, EU funded project DocEnhance project by a working group of research data management specialists at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

There is access to the first module of the course. It starts with online lectures and videos helping you to understand the problematics of data management. After successfully completing this online part, you will receive a certificate.

Last change: September 8, 2023 12:16 
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