Discounts and tokens for open access publishing are part of the so-called Read & Publish agreements, which are concluded within the national consortium CzechELib. Corresponding authors of the UK can use these discounts or tokens for open access publishing with selected publishers. In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
The number of remaining tokens is available on our website (updated as of 24. 3. 2025):
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 0
Springer – 87
Taylor & Francis - 26
Wiley – 96
1. The discount or token for open access publishing can only be used by authors of the CU who are corresponding authors of the given articles (for proper recognition by the system, we recommend using an institutional e-mail address for communication with the journal) and who have listed the CU as their primary affiliation.
2. One token covers the open access publication fee (Article Processing Charge, APC) for one article.
3. It is possible to apply for a token only after the article has been accepted by the publisher, tokens cannot be reserved in advance.
4. For publishers where the number of tokens per year is limited (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Springer, Taylor & Francis*) all the following conditions must be met in addition**):
the article will be published only in journals that are in the Q1 or Q2 quartiles according to the Article Influence Score (AIS), which can be found in the Web of Science database; if the journal is not included in the Web of Science database (specifically indexes: Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Emerging Sources Citation Index), but is included in the Scopus database, the current value of its Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) metric which can be found in the SCOPUS database or on the CWTS Journal Indicators website, must rank in quartiles Q1 or Q2 according to SNIP, i.e. be ≥ 0.667
The order of journals ranking check: the AIS quartiles in WoS with all included indexes, if not found, then SCOPUS and the value of SNIP.
The approval or rejection of tokens is bound to the current value of metrics at the time of the token allocation request. It is impossible to make retrospective changes driven by the update (change) of the metrics' value in the following period.
5. Once all tokens have been used up at a given year, it will no longer be possible to use any (not even when meeting the above conditions).
6. Articles with secured funding for the APC fee from other sources (e.g. from a grant or other resources of the workplace) do not use tokens. Tokens are primarily intended for authors who do not have such funding secured. If you have resources available to cover the APC fee, please inform the Center for Open Science Support after your article has been accepted for publication, and the Center will not assign you a token. Instead, you will cover the APC fee from other sources.
*) In the case of the publisher Wiley, the rules concerning publishing in journals in the quartiles mentioned above do not apply since 15. 7. 2024. Publishing with this publisher follows the rules of the non-restricted publisher (see item 1-3).
**) This is the decision of the Rector's Board from 18/12/2023, which was made based on the evaluation of the open access tokens allocation workflow during the year 2023, when the tokens were used up before the end of the year. And the decision of the Rector's Board from 15/7/2024 which evaluated the token allocation process token in the first half of 2024.
ACS | AIP | ACM | CUP | IOPscience | Karger | LWW | OUP | RSC | SAGE | SCOAP3 | Springer Nature | Taylor & Francis | Wiley
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to take advantage of the complete waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in hybrid journals.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of MFF UK have the opportunity to take advantage of the complete waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in the following hybrid journals:
American Journal of Physics
Applied Physics Letters
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
Journal of Rheology
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B
Physics of Fluids
Physics of Plasmas
Review of Scientific Instruments
Surface Science Spectra
The Journal of Chemical Physics
The Physics Teacher
In 2025, Charles University can use a total of 18 tokens to waive the payment of the publication fee.
This opportunity can only be used for the following types of publications: Brief Communication, Communication, Conference Article, Fast Track or Article-FT, Letter, Note, Perspective, Article, Research Update, Review, Roadmap, Tutorial.
To use this opportunity, the corresponding author must choose Charles University as affiliation and choose the option "Open Access as part of an Institutional agreement" in the Publication Charges and Funding step during submission.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to take advantage of the complete waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in all journals.
This option can only be used in selected types of publications: research articles, review articles, conference papers or proceedings papers and other types of articles for which ACM would also require payment of the APC fee in the case of an unconcluded transformation agreement.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to take advantage of the complete waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in all journals.
This option can be used only for following types of publications: research article, review, brief report, case report and rapid communications article.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to use the full waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in all journals with a few exceptions (list of excluded journals).
This option can be used only for selected types of publications: paper, special issue paper, review and/or letter.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to use the full waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in all journals.
This option can only be used for selected types of publications: Original Paper, Review, Brief Communication, Correction.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University (2.LF, 3.LF, LFHK, LFP) have the opportunity to use the full waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer Health hybrid journals.
Tokens can only be used for selected types of publications: research papers, review.
Charles University has been allocated a total of 5 of these tokens for its authors for the period 2023-2025 (the tokens were fully used up in February 2025). In order to use the tokens, it is necessary to fulfill the additional conditions listed above
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to use the full waiver of the Open Access publication fee (APC) in all journals with the following exceptions (the following journals are not eligible):
Astronomy & Geophysics
Children & Schools
Critical Values
European Heart Journal Supplements
Health and Social Work
Holocaust And Genocide Studies
Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
JNCI Monographs
Journal of American History
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
Journal Of The ICRU
Music Theory Spectrum
OAH Magazine of History
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
Shakespeare Quarterly
Social Work
Social Work Research
The American Historical Review
The Library
The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory
The Year’s Work in English Studies
Translational Animal Science
Western Historical Quarterly
This option can be used only for following types of publications: research article, review article, brief report, case report.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to benefit from a full waiver of the APC publication fee in hybrid and fully open journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University can benefit from a discount on the APC fee (the discounted fee will be £200) in hybrid journals of the HSS Package collection and a 20% discount on APCs in fully OA journals in the HSS Package collection (you can check which journals are part of the collection HSS Package here). The remaining amount of the APC must be paid from other sources.
These discounts can be used only for following types of publications: Original Research Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Short Reports, Case Reports
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
SCOAP3 is an international consortium of libraries and research centers in the field of particle physics operating under the auspices of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Thanks to the involvement of Charles University, CU authors can publish articles in the field of particle physics in selected scientific peer-reviewed journals free of charge.
All SCOAP3-funded articles are made available on the publishers' platforms and in the SCOAP3 repository after publication.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to use tokens for publishing in open access in all hybrid journals.
Charles University has a total of 102 tokens for its authors for 2025. In order to use the tokens, it is necessary to fulfill the additional conditions listed above.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to use tokens for publishing in open access in all hybrid journals.
Charles University has a total of 38 tokens for its authors for 2025 In order to use the tokens, it is necessary to fulfill the additional conditions listed above.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
Corresponding authors of Charles University have the opportunity to take advantage of the full waiver of the APC publication fee in all hybrid journals.
Charles University has a total of 123 tokens for its authors for 2025. In order to use the tokens, it is necessary to fulfill the additional conditions listed above.
More information can be found on the CzechELib website.
MDPI: As of November 30, 2022, Charles University ended its membership in the Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP), so CU authors are no longer entitled to the discount that this membership brought.
Residency, Invoicing and Correspondence Address
Charles University
Central Library
Ovocný trh 560/5
116 36 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Office Address
José Martího 2 (2nd floor)
160 00 Prague 6
Phone: +420 224 491 839, 172