• News


Publish in OA hybrid journals of Taylor & Francis free of charge

Corresponding authors of Charles University can use the complete waiver of the open access publication fee (APC) for selected hybrid journals (the journal must be included in the list from Appendix G of the license agreement) published by Taylor & Francis.

16 February 2021

Open Science at CUNI: Are we there yet?

The year 2020 was like no other. The covid-19 pandemic seized the world and we all had to face challenges in both personal and professional lives. For the Open Science Support Centre at the Central Library of Charles University, it was also the first year of operation and efforts to introduce the principles of open science into the common practice of the scientific community of Charles University. How did we do?

20 January 2021

Open Access Dashboard shows the openness of CU publications

Are you wondering how many publications of CU authors are openly available? So are we, and that's why we have created a simple dashboard from InCites' data (Web of Science) where you can see the publishing activity in numbers.

8 December 2020

Introducing Open Research Europe

European Commission publishing platform in compliance with the OA policies of H2020 and Horizon Europe is now open for submissions.

26 November 2020

Directory of Open Access Journal has launched a new website

On November 25, 2020, the international database of open access journals launched a long-prepared new version of the website. Both the user search interface and the registration form for new journals have changed.

25 November 2020

Open access payments of CU for 2019 reported to OpenAPC

Open Science Support Centre in cooperation with OA faculty coordinators and employees of economic and other departments completed monitoring of open access payments made in 2019. The resulting data were submitted to the Council for Research, Development and Innovation as part of national APC monitoring and, as last year, Charles University also submitted data to the international database of open access payments OpenAPC.

23 November 2020

Watch the brand new webinar on open access principles

Open Access Week 2020 is over, but you can still watch the English webinar Open Access in A Nutshell on the Youtube channel of the Central Library of Charles University.

16 November 2020

IEEE vouchers for open access fees exhausted

IEEE vouchers on open access publishing fee for this year were exhausted by August 2020. More vouchers wil be available for Czech authors (including CU authors) in 2021.

19 August 2020

TRAIN4EU+ project awarded Horizon 2020 funding

The 4EU+ Alliance has been awarded additional funding in the special Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ call to support the research and innovation dimension of European University Alliances. The Open Science Support Centre will be involved in the open science activities.

24 July 2020

Publish in APS’s hybrid open access journals with a discount

In 2020, in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Physical Review A, B, C, and D, APS is offering a 50% reduction on APCs for authors wishing to publish open access in these prestigious titles, as well as the hybrid journals that have joined the family since 1970, and also Physical Review Letters – the most cited physics journal in the world.

21 May 2020

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Charles University

Central Library

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Office Address

José Martího 2 (2nd floor)

160 00 Prague 6

Phone: +420 224 491 839, 172

E-mail: openscience@cuni.cz

Www: openscience.cuni.cz

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