• News


Fill in the survey of the scholars’ needs in the field of open access at CU

The Open Science Support Centre aims to develop the agenda of the open access (OA) publication model and thus bring Charles University closer to the good practice of major world universities. In order for the Centre’s activities to reflect the real needs of our researchers, a questionnaire of the needs of the scientific community in the field of open access at Charles University was prepared. Its purpose is not only to collect feedback and describe the publishing behavior of the authors, but also to find out which areas of the open access agenda are essential for them.

14 May 2020

Launch of the Open Science Support Centre

The Open Science Support Centre was established on January 1, 2020 as a new department of the Central library of Charles University.

1 January 2020

Contact Us

Residency, Invoicing and Correspondence Address

Charles University

Central Library

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Office Address

José Martího 2 (2nd floor)

160 00 Prague 6

Phone: +420 224 491 839, 172

E-mail: openscience@cuni.cz

Www: openscience.cuni.cz

How to Reach Us