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Open Science Week 2023

16 October 2023

Amendment of Act No 130/2002 Coll.

Act No. 241/2022 Sb, which was recently passed, regulates the support of research, experimental development and innovation from public sources.

What changes does it bring and how will they influence rules for managing research data in Czech Republic?

16 January 2023

Meet and greet

You’ve heard from us in newsletters, you’ve seen us online during lectures... would you like to meet us in person, too?  

16 June 2022

Research data management and Data security

Are you interested in the topic of management research data during and also after the research process? Accept the invitation to an online seminar taking place in the middle of June.

13 May 2022

Contact Us

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Charles University

Central Library

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Office Address

José Martího 2 (2nd floor)

160 00 Prague 6

Phone: +420 224 491 839, 172

E-mail: openscience@cuni.cz

Www: openscience.cuni.cz

How to Reach Us