Digital Repository

What is it for and where can you find it?

The CU Digital Repository can be found on the website . This Repository was put into operation in 2017 and primarily serves to store and make available university student´s final theses defended since 2006 and habilitation theses defended after 1.3.2017. Storing and making final and habilitation theses available in the repository is enshrined in the Rector's measure no.72/2017, Making the Electronic Database of Final Theses Accessible.

Open access documents in the CU Digital Repository

The Repository also stores and makes available open access documents issued by some faculties and units of the Charles University and the Karolinum Press, specifically:

  • Open access monographs and articles from journals of the CU Faculty of Arts Press

  • Open access monographs of the CU Faculty of Law

  • Open access monographs of the Karolinum Press

Open access monographs and articles from journals in CU Digital Repository are available under one of the Creative Commons licenses, without the need to log into the Repository.

Additional content of the CU Digital Repository

The content of the Repository also includes the following types of documents:

  • Selected digitized final theses defended before 2006

  • Digitized study materials for students with special needs

  • Archive of full texts of the Czech Geographical Bibliography online

This content is available in the Repository to selected user groups only, based on their authentication, their access point to the Repository (from selected terminals in CU buildings) or based on the request for copy of the full text submitted from within the repository user interface.

Last change: February 23, 2023 13:57 
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