Research Publications Repository

What is it for and where can you find it?

The Research Publications Repository can be found on the website . This Repository serves to make available the full texts of science and research outputs at Charles University. Its creation is enshrined in Rector's measure No. 40/2021, Registration of creative activities, projects and employees´ mobility at Charles University.

Whom is it intended for?

Saving and making the research output available (self-archiving) in the CU Research Publications Repository is voluntary for CU employees and students. However, making the full text of research output available can be one of the conditions for recognizing the funding of research projects. Therefore, all employees and students of Charles University who want or need to publish in the open access mode can put the outputs of their research into the Repository.

It is possible to store and make available full texts of unpublished versions of your research outputs, as well as research outputs already published by the publisher in Open access mode (the so-called golden open access route).

Many publishers allow the publication to be self-archived in institutional repositories even if the publication is not published in open access mode (the so-called green open access route). More detailed information about these publishing methods can be found on the Open Science Support Centre website.

How to make the output available in the repository?

The full text of the research output is made available in the Repository through the OBD IS Věda module. After uploading the full text to the record of the output into the OBD module, the data is checked by the open access coordinator (contacts for the open access coordinators at individual faculties and units can be found on the Open Science Support Centre website), and if everything is in order, the output is transferred to the Repository.

The research output is put into the OBD module by the author of the output or a person acting on behalf of the author, e.g. coordinator of outputs registration on a given faculty or other university unit, according to the established procedures and practices at each of the faculties and units. In order to make the output available in the repository, it is necessary to comply with the publisher's license conditions (in the case of an already published output) and at the same time ensure the consent of all co-authors to the publication (Template form for obtaining consent).

If the output with multiple authors has already been published in open access mode and is subject to a public license that allows the distribution of the work (e.g. any Creative Commons license), it is not necessary to ensure the co-authors' consent to the self-archiving of the full text of the output. Consents do not need to be secured even if the co-authors of the output are in an employment or similar (agreement on work activities or agreement on the execution of work) relationship with CU and the output was created as a work for hire for which CU exercises economic rights.

Summary information with short instructions for self-archiving can be found on the Repository's website.

The CU Open Science Support Center has prepared methodological materials for you that will help you self-archive the full texts of your research outputs in the Repository.

Are you an open access coordinator?

The Open Science Support Center has prepared for you a methodology for checking the results and attached full texts before they are stored and made available in the Repository. The current version of the methodology is always available at the URL address below.

Last change: September 21, 2023 15:55 
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