FAIR Wizard is a service for all researchers and other academic staff who are employed or studying at the Charles University.
Using this tool, it is possible to efficiently perform data management and monitor compliance with the FAIR principles, allowing for the easy creation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). To do this, FAIR Wizard uses so-called knowledge models - interactive questionnaires that guide the researcher through the creation of a DMP step by step using questions with predefined answer options, thus freeing the researcher from having to write the DMP manually.
Use the Shibboleth system to log into the FAIR Wizard website. If you are unable to log in, please contact the FAIR Wizard UK administrator at .
After logging in, you will be automatically directed to the main page (Dashboard) in the Data Management Planner section. Here you will find a quick overview of projects you have recently worked on or a list of pending comments that have been assigned to you. There is also a shortcut to create a new project.
On the left side of the screen you can find a side panel containing menu of the section or links to useful materials. The panel can be collapsed by clicking on the corresponding command at the bottom of the panel. Also at the bottom of the panel is the user interface, where you can, for example, log out, view your assigned comments, or change the language of the FAIR Wizard - depending on which section you are currently in. Please don't use the Edit Profile section at the moment, we are working on an improved version.
From the panel you can also access both sections of FAIR Wizard you can work with; the aforementioned Data Management Planner and Admin center and the User Guide, the official manual from the creators of FAIR Wizard.
The Data Management Planner section contains two "tools" - the aforementioned Dashboard and a list of your projects. In this list you will find both projects that you have created yourself, those that you have been invited to join, and projects that have been set to be visible to all FAIR Wizard Charles University users. You can filter the projects by tags, knowledge models or users involved in creating the projects.
Just like in the Dashboard, you can create a new project here. You do this by using the Create button.
A project is the name for the place where the DMP itself is created and where all the settings, comments and resulting documents are located. For the initial creation of a project, only two things need to be set: the name and the knowledge model. The FAIR Wizard offers different models, adapted to different types of research and to the requirements of grant providers. Choose the one that best fits your needs. Some models will then let you directly select questions from specific calls.
It is also possible to select one of the preset project templates. These templates have specific knowledge models, labels and document templates already set up. They can also be partially pre-populated, all in order to simplify the researchers' creation of their DMP. For example, they can be templates for specific institute, laboratory or working group projects. Templates can be created in the FAIR Wizard by users with the Data Steward or Admin roles. If you need to create a template for your project, group or workplace, please contact .
What if you made a mistake and accidentally chose the wrong knowledge model or forgot to check that you want questions for a specific call? In the project settings, there is a Knowledge Model area where you can perform a so-called migration - exchanging the model you are using for another one, or to the same one but with more or less questions.
When migrating, beware that changing models will change the questions themselves. If you have already filled in some questions, please check if you don´t have to modify your answers. The FAIR Wizard will assist you in this step as well.
The questionnaire is composed of thematic sections, so-called chapters. Each chapter contains questions that guide you step by step through the development of the DMP. For example: what data do you plan to collect? How will the data be recorded? Answer in as much detail as possible - it will make your DMP better and easier to use. FAIR Wizard automatically saves your work so you don't have to worry about losing data. You can return to individual chapters at any time to update them as your research progresses.
Throughout the process of filling in the DMP, you are assisted by so-called phases. The individual questions are divided according to whether they are appropriate to be completed during the preparation of the scientific project proposal, during the final preparation of the DMP, during the completion of the project or after completion when archiving and sharing of data is addressed. Selecting the correct phase will result in displaying only the answers that are appropriate to complete during a particular phase. You can then see the number of these for each chapter. They are highlighted in red in the questionnaire itself before completion.
Each question consists of several parts: a unique name; the labels of calls that require the question; an annotation; and during what phase it is recommended to answer the question.
For some questions, there are also additional explanations, links to external resources or contacts to experts who can help you complete or understand the question.
For ease of use and clarity, you can set what you want to be displayed next to a question, or what questions you (don't) want to be displayed in the working version of the questionnaire.
You can use two auxiliary tools while filling in the questionnaire: the TODO and the comments.
Using TODO you can mark any questions that still need to be completed or filled in. You can find a list of all questions marked this way in the right side bar. When you click on a question´s TODO, the page will automatically redirect you to it.
For each question, a user with commenter rights or higher can post a comment where they can discuss the question with their colleagues. As with TODO, the list of comments is located in the right-hand sidebar. It is also possible to write notes - but these are only available and visible to the owners and editors.
If you want to address a comment directly to a specific person, you can do so using the "assign comment thread" function. Once assigned, the comment will appear in the list of assigned comments in the user interface or in the overview on the dashboard.
FAIR Wizard keeps a history of all changes made to the questionnaire. For changes, it shows who made the change and when. Individual versions of the questionnaire can be viewed, named and used to create a ducment..
It is also possible to replace an older version with the current one - note that this step cannot be undone and any more recent changes will be lost.
Some of the questions in the questionnaire are labelled with colour labels (red/yellow/green). These labels indicate how much each of the possible answers adheres to the principles of FAIR data.
This data is then collected in the Metrics tab, where you can find an overall view of how FAIR your data is. It's a good idea to keep your practices as consistent with FAIR principles as possible. This will ensure that your data is clear, understandable and reproducible.
Once you have, at your discretion, sufficiently populated the questionnaire, you can export it to the final DMP document. This export is done in the Document tab. which also contains an overview of all previously created DMPs. To create a new document, click the New document button.
To create a document, you must specify its name and the document template it will be formatted in. Different prompts have different templates, but they all work with and include questions from the project questionnaire you provide. You also need to select the format in which the document will be exported.
You can download documents repeatedly, delete them or view the version of the questionnaire from which the document was created.
If the call you are creating a DMP for also has a specific document template, you can set it up. This is possible under the Settings tab. You can also set a default format.
This automatically fills in the format and template when you create documents. As you complete the questionnaire, you can then see what your final document will look like in the Preview tab.
More than one person may be involved in the creation of a DMP at the same time. Sharing of the project can be set up via the Share button.
There are several ways to share a project. You can share it with individual FAIR Wizard UK users, but you can also share it with a group of users.
User groups are created in the Admin Center section. When you open the section, the User Groups tab appears in the left menu. This tab contains both an overview of all the groups you are a member of and publicly visible groups, as well as the Create button for creating a user group.
When creating a group, you need to set its name and whether it is a private group - only its members can see a private group in the group list.
As a last step, you need to set the group members and their roles; Owner or Member. Owner has the right to manage the group, Member is only a member of the group.
It is also possible for people without a FAIR Wizard UK account to edit, view or comment on projects. This can be done using the Public link function - so all people with a link can interact with the project according to the permissions level set.
It is also possible to set the project as visible to all FAIR Wizard UK users. Projects of this type will then be displayed in the project list to all logged in users.
The link to the project can also be accessed via the arrow in the Share button.
It is also possible to share only individual questions in the questionnaire.
It may be that you started creating your DMP in the Data Stewardship Wizard platform, but for some reason you would like to continue with the FAIR Wizard, or vice versa. It is not a problem to move your completed questions between those services.
The first thing you need to do is export the filled in questions from your old project. This is done by creating a new document, with the Questionnaire Report template, and JSON format.
You then need to download this document.
Create a new project in your target instance. It is essential that its knowledge model is identical to that of the project you exported your questions from - if the questions are different or missing altogether, the system will not be able to correctly assign them and the import of the project will not be possible.
Once you have set up the correct knowledge model, you can import your answers into the questionnaire. Select Import Answers > DSW Answers (JSON).
You will be presented with a pop-up window where you will be prompted to upload the downloaded JSON document.
After inserting the JSON file, you will see a preview of the questionnaire with a list of all the responses to be imported. Click Import to finish.
Your questionnaire now contains the answers you had in the original project. Don't forget to set up your document template and project sharing options.
As a researcher, you can use different types of support when creating a DMP in the FAIR Wizard.
The first are the data stewards at your faculties. If you need help selecting a template, updating a knowledge model, or help creating or editing user groups, they are ready to help you. You can find a link to the faculty data stewards contact page in each sidebar section.
In addition, this is the Center for Open Science site where you can find a complete guide to using the service, including instructional videos. The link to this site is available again from the sidebar, but also before logging in from the main page.
You can also use the official User Guide from the developers of the service, which is linked to in the sidebar in the section selection. However, it should be taken into account that this material also contains tutorials for data stewards or instance administrators and therefore navigating through it is not the easiest.
If you have problems with the FAIR Wizard itself or more complex questions that you have not found answers to in other resources, you can contact the UK FAIR Wizard instance administrator directly at or simply by using the Support link in the sidebar.
In the following section you can access the most frequently asked questions regarding technical errors, functions and features selection.
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E-mail: openscience@cuni.cz
Www: openscience.cuni.cz