• News


17 June 2024

We are pleased to present the new and improved visual design and user interface of our publications repository at Charles University: https://publications.cuni.cz/ 

This upgrade is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the services and user experience we offer to our academic staff, students, and the general public. 

The new design of the repository has been created with an emphasis on a modern and clean look, which not only pleases the eye but also makes it easier to navigate and find the needed information. The clear and intuitive layout ensures that all important functions and tools are always within reach. 

What has changed? 

  • Clarity: A clean appearance contributes to better readability, leading to quicker access to the desired information, both on computers and mobile phones. 

  • Simple Navigation: Quickaccess to allsections and functions of the repository. 

  • Availability of Publication Information: Expanded display of publication details makes it easier to evaluate the relevance of a publication for your own work. 

We invite you to log into the new interface and explore all its features. Your feedback isimportant to us, and we welcome all your suggestions for furthe rimprovements. 

We look forward to your cooperation and believe that the new repository interface will contribute to even more effective presentation and dissemination of your scientific work results. 

Click and explore: https://publications.cuni.cz/ 

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Czech Republic

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E-mail: openscience@cuni.cz

Www: openscience.cuni.cz

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