Data Steward ****************************************************************************************** * Who is a Data Steward? ****************************************************************************************** A Data Steward is a new position supporting research data management within a scientific t responsible for maintaining the quality, integrity, and access measures of data and metada that complies with applicable laws, institutional policies, and individual permissions. Th Data Steward is to ensure that data at all stages of the research cycle [ URL "https://ope OSCIEN-48.html"] (i.e. planning, collection, processing, analysing, preservation, sharing, data - see Figure 1) is handled appropriately. This includes overseeing data management pr data quality, and ensuring compliance with data protection and security regulations. Data Stewards establish connections and open communication channels between researchers, p software developers, and infrastructure providers (both within and outside the institution implement the necessary elements that enable researchers to adopt modern Research Data Man [ URL ""] practices. With the increasing demands for research data management and publication, it is advisable sufficient competence in this area – all researchers don't need to become experts in data and management. It is enough if they have access to someone who can help them set up and a principles. The goal for scientific teams is to work with data to ensure their integrity, fulfill the FAIR principles [ URL ""] to the gre extent. ****************************************************************************************** * Role of a Data Steward within a scientific team ****************************************************************************************** A Data Steward serves as a bridge between various parts of the institution. They support a collaborate with the main data creators and users (researchers, students, etc.). They prov with advice, ensure that data management adheres to institutional policies, and may also e practical work within the project. Core roles of a Data Steward • Direct support for research Data Management. Providing assistance and guidance in managi throughout its lifecycle. • Selection of appropriate data and metadata formats. Advising on and helping choose suita descriptive metadata formats to ensure data usability and longevity. • Assisting in setting up workflows and practices so that created data comply with FAIR (F Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles to the greatest extent possible. • Promoting the principle of making data "as open as possible, as closed as necessary " th transparency with confidentiality requirements. • Helping to identify legitimate obstacles to open data publication and determining which openly accessible. • Participating in the planning of project data management and the creation of Data Manage (DMPs) and maintaining the DMPs up to date throughout the project lifecycle. While the Data Steward's role does not include direct data analysis, they should assist th ensuring that the data can be reproducibly analyzed. ****************************************************************************************** * Key competencies ****************************************************************************************** Personal predispositions • Active knowledge of English including specialized terminology in the research field. • Basic computer literacy with a very positive attitude towards IT. • Organizational skills including the ability to algorithmize processes. Internal environment • Optimal knowledge of the research topic and the processes involved. • Knowledge of available tools and procedures for data management storage, backup, establi practices, etc. (may be specific to each workplace). • Detailed knowledge of FAIR principles [ URL "" ability to implement them in practice. • Knowledge of "best practices" in research data management at Charles University and othe institutions. ****************************************************************************************** * Data Stewards in the structure of Charles University ****************************************************************************************** The formal position of Data Steward is new at Charles University. However, this may rather activities that already occur as part of established best practices at many workplaces. Th of this role highlights the importance of data management and helps to more precisely defi responsibilities. For the role of Data Steward, two factors are particularly important: 1.Knowledge of current trends, requirements, and possibilities. 2.The ability to implement them into everyday practice. We therefore assume that individual Data Stewards should be as close as possible to specif teams and should understand (to some extent) the ongoing research in the context of data. Library of Charles University [ URL ""] should become an appropria communication among Data Stewards across the University, especially the Open Science Suppo ""] . The entire scheme of integrating Data Stewa structure of CU is summarized in Figure 2. The Central Library can provide initial trainin Stewards at a general level (introduction to FAIR principles, examples of good and bad pra management, principles of creating data management plans, data opening, and sharing) and s Data Stewards to follow current trends and provide them with systematic and ad hoc support Given that the education of Data Stewards is not yet formalized and it cannot be expected already "ready-made" experts. We recommend utilizing existing team members (e.g., PhD stud expand their current qualifications in this direction (with the support of the Central Lib University) and simultaneously effectively use their knowledge of the environment. ****************************************************************************************** * Contact ****************************************************************************************** Data Stewards at Charles University Individual faculties at Charles University have their own Data Stewards, who are available researchers or academic staff. A list of their contacts is available on the website of the Science. [ URL "OSCIEN-14.html#13"] Data Stewards Community in the Czech Republic If you are involved in data management or are interested in this topic, you can join the e Stewards community in the Czech Republic. This initiative was launched alongside the emerg which includes, among other things, building a community around data management. Discord h the communication channel. You can join the group through this link: ""] Open Science Support Centre For questions regarding Data Stewards and data management issues, you can also contact the Support Centre. [ URL ""] Email: openscience(zavinac) [ MAIL "openscience(zavinac)"]