Open Access ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Open access (OA) is a publication model that seeks to achieve immediate, free, permanent and independent online access to the results of publicl and research.  ****************************************************************************************** * Characteristics of open access ****************************************************************************************** • immediate = access to the results should be provided at the latest when they are publish before publishing – e.g. in a preprint repository), it is access without a time embargo  • free = access to the results should be available free of charge to end users  • permanent = access should be provided in the long term - results must be archived  • independent = results should not be read-only, but should be licensed under a public lic reuse (e.g. Creative Commons) There are two basic open access models – green and gold route to open access.  ****************************************************************************************** * Green route to open access ****************************************************************************************** Green open access is a complement to the traditional way of publishing through scientific still publish their articles in journals with a subscription-based model or in open journa same time they store and make available the full-text of their article in an open digital called self-archiving).  We distinguish the following basic types of open repositories:  • Institutional – A repository of an organization that typically allows only its members t access the results. Example: CU Research Publications Repository [ URL "https://publicat locale-attribute=en"] (more information can be found in separate section [ URL "https://"] ) • Disciplinary (subject) – A repository focused on a specific field or area, usually allow and make the results available either to members of the field community or of the releva organization. Example: [ URL ""] or Pubmed Central [ URL "ht"]   • Multidisciplinary – A repository that is unrestricted by organization membership or fiel specialization. Example: Zenodo [ URL ""]   You can use the Directory of Open Access Repositories [ URL " to find a suitable repository to publish your article or to search for relevant literature Open access to a publication in the case of the green route is ensured by the author. Howe terms and conditions of auto-archiving (whether the author can make the article available version and under what conditions) are limited by what is stipulated in the licensing agre called License Agreement or Copyright Transfer Agreement) or the general licensing conditi publisher. Have you decided to publish by the green route? Take a look at the Individual steps [ URL "] .  ****************************************************************************************** * Gold route to open access ****************************************************************************************** The gold route to open access is based on publishing in peer-reviewed open scientific jour of this route, open access to the publication is provided by the publisher.  There are three basic models of open access journals:  • Pure/diamond open access journals = Full content of the journal is openly accessible whi related costs are borne by the publisher (e.g. a university publishing house, scientific Example: Evigogika [ URL ""]  or Global H and Policy [ URL ""]   • Paid open access journals = Full content of the journal is openly available while publis of the article are borne by the authors – they pay a publication fee [ URL " type of journals is often mistaken for the entire gold open access model. Publication fe eligible costs in research projects. Example: PLoS ONE [ URL " Occupational Therapy International [ URL ""]   • Hybrid journals – The journal is available to subscribers by default, only selected arti available in open access for a publication fee [ URL "OSCIEN-39.html#3"] . Example: Stud and Philosophy of Science Part A [ URL " philosophy-of-science-part-a"]   Journals that make their content available free of charge after the expiration of the emba not considered to be open access – they do not meet the condition of immediate access.  The idea of paid open journals began to be misused by fraudulent publishers and journals, called predators [ URL "OSCIEN-36.html "] .  You can use the Directory of Open Access Journals [ URL ""] (DOAJ) da suitable open journal to publish your article or to search for relevant literature.  Have you decided to publish by the gold route? Take a look at the individual steps [ URL " "] . Authors from Charles University are also eligible to use discounts on publishing with certain publishers [ URL "OSCIEN-39.html#6"] .   ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Useful resources ****************************************************************************************** Websites  Creative Commons [ URL ""]   Books SUBER, Peter. Open access. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2012. MIT Press essential knowled 978-0-262-51763-8. Dostupné také z: [ URL " access"]